oKay. Guys. Refresher course on how to not be a dumb, stupid, idiotic, moron, retard.
100x Lines of me saying F*CK!!!
SO, I have two accounts. I put my rogue on this separate account for about 5 months now. It's just her and a bank alt and of Sunday, a dwarf pally I started up.
I got this email yesterday.
Dear wow user.
Upade your account wow .
update : 8/2007
update :
http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/login/ (but if you clicked over the link, it really says http://lateshift.org/admin/system)
And because I had recently been paying for the acccount with a gift card, I didn't even think of it. I thought, oh, my account payment for the card ran out. BOOM, I click on the link. Hand over my login and password on a silver f-ing platter and go about my day.
Luckily, I'm a wow junkie and log in every day. I tried logging the account today and it kept saying, the account info was wrong. I had a funny feeling about the email because I noticed the mispelling of the world "update" too...
SO I was like F*CK! I did what I always tell other people NOT to do! NEVER click on a link from an email! NEVER NEVER NEVER! So, this fake link I got sent to was the EXACT mirror of the Blizzard login site and even kicks you to an account page that is the EXACT replica of the Blizzard acccount page. You would not be able to tell the difference. Luckily, I didn't touch my credit card info.
Anyhow, with Taint's help, I go to the Blizzard site directly on a second comp because who knows wut the hell is on my main comp now that I exposed myself to this hack. I changed the password and got sent a new one. I changed it again and logged in to assess the damage.
I had logged off in Shat last night. When I logged in, I was dead and in Razor Hill in Durotar of all places.
And the weird thing is that I'm pretty sure I had more gold. Not positive but I'm pretty sure cuz I bought primal waters last night from the AH and it cut me down quite a bit. About approx 50 more gold I think.
Nothing was missing from any of the characters except I think one bag from the bank alt but I can't be sure.
NO money gone, no mats gone, and my arena points are all there.
Luckily my rogue isn't a disenchanter.
GOD. I AM A COLOSSAL NUB. I'm just so greatful it wasn't my main account.
A few months ago, a guy wrote to me saying how he noticed his character would be logged into different places when he logged in and that it would have more levels each time. Until finally, after 20 levels, his account got banned. Weird huh? Not sure how this whole mafia works. Not even sure why they didn't strip me and send off the gold as soon as they took possession of the account.
In any case, now I have to go totally format my main machine.
SMART! real f-ing smart, genius girl!